You ' are ' what you believe!

Publish Date:Nov 28, 2018




“All personal breakthroughs begin with a change in beliefs.”
                                                              Anthony Robbins

We all have many positive things we believe in and want to continue to reinforce them. And simultaneously we also have many beliefs which are negative and that contribute to uncomfortable experiences in our lives. It is impossible for us to change any limiting beliefs unless we know what they are. Some of the common beliefs we carry about money are: there is never enough money, it is difficult to earn , it doesn’t grow on trees or only the rich have it all .Now examine common beliefs about men or woman and you would probably hear these statements that men are strong and woman are weak and tender. The list is endless.

All these beliefs are accumulated through the years either due to close people around us like our parents, brothers or sisters or any incidents or experiences that have happened which condition our mind to think and believe in a particular way. It is also very important to examine your childhood experiences and see as to how you have developed these beliefs and ideas.

There are actually quite a number of ways to de-condition a negative belief. The basic idea is to replace the old pattern with a new one.  Mentally resisting the negative thought will usually backfire — you’ll simply reinforce it and make it even worse.  Change the way you look at things .Instead of saying that money is only for the rich you could say that “I live in abundance and prosperity” or “my job is wonderful, creative and rewarding”. If you think success eludes you because of one bitter experience, say to yourself” I am successful person . Instead of trying to resist the negative thought pattern, try to redirect it. 

Take the energy of the negative thought and re-channel it into a positive thought.  With a little mental conditioning, whenever the negative thought occurs, your mind will automatically flow into the linked positive thought.


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