An Amazing Apple!!

  We all are well-versed with the proverb ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’. So here are some facts to support this saying. Apples are jam-packed with antioxidants, these compound prevent and protect from the cellular damage, and also have soluble fibre – pectin. To a great extent the it protects our nervous system, it has been observed that people on apple-enhanced diet are led likely to develop Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, higher levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and good amounts of  antioxidants which fight off the cell damaging free radicals. Even various cancers can be successfully delayed or even be prevented; the flavonol content of the apples has significantly lower pancreatic cancer. Even peel is loaded with nutrients, triterpenoids functioning against cancer cells in the liver, colon and breast.  It has a protective effect on our lipid profile and also the blood glucose levels.  The soluble fibre found in apples bind to the fat in intestines and aid in eliminating them, thus lowering the cholesterol levels. Not just cholesterol levels this fibre – pectin also cuts down the blood glucose levels, thus reducing the incidence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Once the lipid profile is within the limits, our heart feels healthier! Retarding the pace of lipid build-up in the arteries and saving from the silent death by heart attack. Gall stones are yet another issue arising with high cholesterol levels, which can be combated with apples!! -Koya Satyasri    

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How a Cup of Coffee benefits us?

  Well most of us love to start our day with a mug of coffee. Some are in love with its aroma, its warmth, its flavor and its energy boosts that runs through-out the day. Though there has been some criticism about the intake of coffee, but moderate intake about 1-3 cups a day have various proven health benefits.  Coffee is brimming with antioxidants, even higher than fruits and vegetables, the major ones are polyphenols and hydrocinnamic acids, which combat the free radicals and keep the cellular damage under-check. It has been proven by one of the Harvard studies that, coffee consumption can significantly dip the incidence of type 2 diabetes, provided the sugar is not heaped in. The morning dose of caffeine surge the metabolic rate, thus you tend to burn more calories than you usually do. Coffee has amazing benefits in store for our nervous system; it is known to reduce or even delay he development of Parkinson’s, and people who are already suffering from Parkinson’s are likely to have better controlled movements than the non-coffee drinkers. Researchers believe coffee helps calm the neural inflammation responsible for Multiple Sclerosis, thus lowering the risk and its recurrence. The substance trigonelline found in coffee contains neuro-protective properties, significantly lower the risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia. The high antioxidant levels are thought to prevent certain cancers especially liver and uterine cancers. Along with intake of coffee if smoking is avoided, the incidence of stroke can be reduce by 15%. Its caffeine content can be used as relieving agent for migraine. Moreover moderate intake of coffee increases our longevity; it reduces the risk of succumbing to death from diseases.  So it is good start our day with a warm cup of coffee! -Koya Satyasri  

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The Magic of Smile!!

  We spend out our pockets to keep ourselves healthy and happy, on various therapies. These therapies might range from popping in capsules to joining in yoga or sporting classes, it is true that they work well in favor of our expenditure. But if we were told there is a better alternative where you need not spend a penny from your pocket? Interested in pursuing it?? Smiling, this is the best medicine you can give yourself. It not only boosts your health, mood but also keeps you young and surges the faith in oneself.   When you smile your facial muscle come into play, it naturally lifts the face, on an average smiling people look about 3 years younger. When we smile certain neuropeptides like dopamine, serotonin and endorphins are released. The act on the neurons relaxing the muscle they supply, they slow the heart rate, lower the blood pressure and de-stresses. Endorphins that are released on smiling act as better pain killers, without the scare of side effects. The serotonin is pharmacologically used in the treatment of depression and anxiety; it is naturally produced on flashing your sweetest smile.   Try smiling at yourself while looking into the mirror at least once a day, it will fill in lot of self-confidence, with confidence there comes success and happiness. Smile attracts people and people around evoke faith and entrust you. Smile is contagious; we can’t help but smile back at anyone who smiles at us. So we don’t need prescriptions and pills to be happy and healthy, but just a pretty smile!! -Koya Satyasri  

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Well-being with scented oils!!

  Aromatherapy is the practice of using the natural oils extracted from flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots or other parts of a plant to enhance psychological and physical well-being. Aromatherapy is being considered as a complementary treatment to be followed along with the standard treatment. But its credibility as an alternate medicine is still questionable.   Aroma-therapists have claimed to cure and prevent certain diseases, but there has been no evidence of either preventing or curing any disease, but it might help improving general well-being. This form of therapy has gained momentum recently, especially for pain relief, mood enhancement and increased cognitive function. There are a wide number of essential oils available, each with its own healing properties. These oils when seep into the body stimulates the nervous system either through the olfactory pathway or by the pharmacological route. The oils seep-in by topical application, massage, inhalation or water immersion.   Though it has many perks, there are certain safety issues too, since these essential oils are concentrated, can cause irritation if undiluted, best diluent-oils available are jojoba oil, olive oil, or coconut oil. Citrus based oils are known to be phototoxic. Certain essential oils are extremely toxic internally, like the eucalyptus oil, intakes of as little as a teaspoon have known to cause poisoning. The extreme reactions reported are seizures and liver, with the intake of sage, hyssop, thuja, and cedar oils. These should be kept out of reach of children.   All in all it is a good complementary form of medicine if proper precautions have been taken! -Koya Satyasri  

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The Plank Exercise!

  It is our fantasy to achieve flat tummy or perfectly chiseled abs. It is the simplest form of bodyweight exercises; all you need is your own bodyweight and enough space to get down on all your fours at full stretch. The application of bodyweight exercise in on rise in lieu of their simplicity and practicality, it uses one’s bodyweight to shape them.   If you invest your time planks, they will surely surprise you with overwhelming result in comparison to the time and effort you spend.   Doing plank has varied array of benefits. This builds up our core strength, i.e., makes the muscle of the midsection of our body strong, which includes the abdominal muscles that are important for supporting the back and spinal column. Regular planks reduce the incidence of back and spinal issues as the muscles around the spine are strengthened, thus protecting it from any kind of injury. As the core muscles are strengthened thus enabling us to stand erect and maintain good posture. It is the best move for the people who have a sedentary lifestyle, as it enhances the metabolism through-out the day and even during night. Overall there is improvement in your agility and co-ordination. Apart from the physical good, it has amazing effects over our mood too, planks stretch the stiff muscles and release the tension and help in de-stress.   1. These are lot of reasons to spare few minutes for doing plank, it is very important to get the position right. Get into the pushup position on the floor, bend the elbows at 90 degrees, hold elbows directly below the shoulder and make sure the wrists are in-line with the elbows. Keep the torso straight, rigid and body in a straight line from ears to toes without sagging or bending. Hold this position as long as possible with steady breathing. --Satyasri

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I Scream, you Scream, we all Scream for Ice Cream!!

  Ice cream is one such frozen dessert, relished by one and all alike, irrespective of any bias. The traditional recipe of ice cream had the ingredients like eggs, sugar, whole milk, heavy cream and the flavor extract; but off late there have been changes like addition of gelatin and milk substitutes which are loaded with saturated fats and refined carbohydrates. Ice cream is a dessert best consumed in moderation if you want to avoid screaming for an ambulance. Many consider ice cream to be best medicine post an emotional turmoil, but it has some serious health implications. Ice creams are rich in dairy fat, which is essential for the production of hormones, energy and for the protection of organs; it is also high in saturated fat which pumps up the blood cholesterol levels, clogging the arteries thus increasing the risk of cardio-vascular disease i.e., stroke and heart attacks. Since ice creams are high in refined carbohydrates, though these great sources of energy, but the excess portions are converted into fat and deposited all-over with special emphasis on our waist-line. Studies reveal the contrary to the notion that ice cream boosts our systems, but on contrary it make us sluggish, it is equivalent to a heavy meal and clouds the brain, it has been found that diets rich in sugar and saturated fats downgrade our cognitive skills and verbal memory. But it is true that indulging in a cup of frozen dessert make us happy; apparently, the carbohydrates lead to a small increase in serotonin, a neurotransmitter that's responsible for lifting our mood. At times, craving for ice cream may indicate deficiency of certain nutrients like calcium, fat, sugar or it might simply mean you want a cold and sweet relish. It is okay to indulge occasionally. Satyasri

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All fuss about Crossed Legs!!

  Crossing of leg at knee may seem regal to be seated that way but has few scary medical complications. We probably cross our leg without our conscious at least once or twice a day, at the office desk or while whiling away time.  It is such habit that has to be rethinking once before indulging in this habit.   It has temporary effects such as nerve damage, high blood pressure and poor posturing. The common peroneal nerve is located in the popliteal fossa i.e., backside of knee, which might get compressed leading to the foot numbness or called ‘foot has fallen asleep’, which is completely reversible. Crossed temporarily spike up blood pressure and drops to normal when we uncross the legs, the blood pressure increases as the there is more resistance as the blood is being pumped up against gravity and crossed leg adds to the woes. Usually the body weight is balanced among both the feet, when legs are crossed the weight shifts onto one side, the pelvis is rotated and unstable, putting undue pressure over neck, lower and middle back.   As a permanent damage it may cause varicose veins also known as spider veins. Usually the blood is pumped back to heart, in the crossed posture increases pressure over veins, impeding the flow. This increased pressure, pooled in blood can weaken or damage the veins in your legs. If the veins are damaged or weakened, the blood can leak into them and collect there, causing spider veins or exacerbating existing ones.   It is not a grave mistake to cross legs, but in long run it may have health implications. If you cannot resist from this habit, then make sure you change the posture every now and then.

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Why should we Wake up Early??

  Rising early has always been an issue for many people, especially the working sector. Not many people like to spring out of bed before 7 or 7:30am, because many struggle to get enough sleep, we keep snoozing for that 10minutes of extra sleep. The early morning has gold in its mouth," said Benjamin Franklin. So rising before or along with sun has many perks. If we wake up early we have time very many things; like enjoying the sunrise with a hot sip and heartening talks with your loved ones, this with re-establish faith in you. Rising early gives time to do spend time with your inner-self, thinking about yourself, in organizing your stuff. Researchers found that night folks tend to be more creative, but the early birds usually have advanced problem-solving skills. People who wake up early and sweat out in early hours, tend to carry the same energy through day and speeds up your metabolism, helping you burn more calories throughout the day, resist junk-food cravings, and reach for healthier options, these people have lower BMIs than their counterparts.  Since waking up early gives you time to eat healthy breakfast and allows you the time to do your work peacefully as not many people are awake at these hours, so you stress less, worry less, eat less and sleep more. Rising early establishes the circadian rhythm close to that of earth’s, this deepens sleep, so you rise to a fresh and energized self. Experts say people who rise during the early hours reach their peak productivity by 9:00am which is very convenient for the professionals, while the night owls reach their peak at 9:00pm which often goes vain! It is not easy being a rooster from a night owl, but it is neither impossible. The transition has to be made slowly and gradually; before taking up this task make sure to disable the snooze button of your alarm clocks. We can start by waking 15minutes early for a week or a fortnight, and then increase it by another 15minutes and soon. -Koya Satyasri  

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Why Antibiotics??

  Antibiotics are the chemical compound or drugs that act against the survival of the offending living organism. They can be directed against bacteria, protozoa or parasites; the anti-viral drugs are not considered as antibiotics. Most of the antibiotics we use are against the bacteria, or also called antibacterial.  Based on their action, they are bactericidal and bacteriostatic. Bactericidal are the drug which kill the organism, i.e. complete wash-out of the organism, while bacteriostatic drug are the one which render the bacteria passive, i.e. they are incapable of multiplication, and gradually fade in number.  Antibiotics are powerful medicines that fight certain infections and can save lives when used properly. Antibiotics either stop bacteria from reproducing or destroy them. Since they are potent drugs they must be use judiciously. Off late antibiotics are being overused, this overuse is contributing toward the growing number of bacterial infections that are becoming resistant to antibacterial medications. When a bacterium is found to be resistant to a particular antibiotic, then a higher or second-line drugs are prescribed, this resistance has to be prevented to that we do not run out off drug, as of now the last-line drugs carbapenems are in use. Drug-resistance can be prevented by strictly following the drug regime for stipulated duration and not giving up amidst.  These antibiotics are usually used for infections such as lower respiratory tract, urinary tract, gastro-intestinal tract, skin and more. There are broad-spectrum antibiotics effective against few types of bacteria, while narrow-spectrum antibiotics are effective against a specific type of bacteria. In certain conditions, antibiotics are given prior to infection as a prevention of the forthcoming infection; these are called prophylactic antibiotic treatment. -Koya Satyasri  

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The Mystical Mustard Seeds!!

  The mustard seeds are the tiny black, brown or even white ball like seeds. Mustard seeds, also known as ‘Sarso‘ or ‘Rai‘ in Hindi, ‘Kadugu‘ in Tamil and Malayalam, ‘Avalu‘ in Telugu, ‘Rai‘ in Gujarati, ‘Shorshe‘ in Bengali, ‘Mohori‘ in Marathi and ‘Rai‘ in Punjabi. They have a great taste and are added in various cuisines. Apart from adding depth and taste to a dish, it has very many benefits. These little things have compound like glucosinolates and mirosinase, which are known to compel the phytochemicals in inhibiting the growth of cancer. Mustard is also a store-house of magnesium, iron, copper and selenium. Mustard is also known to enhance the omega-3 fatty acids in the fish, these are essential fatty acids. Owing to the magnesium and selenium found in selenium are known to soothe the sore muscles and sore joints, especially those suffering from rheumatic arthritis.  The magnesium content of these mustard seed significantly brings down the incidence of migraine attacks. They also have disease-fighting properties due to the presence of sulphur, and relieve the respiratory congestion. The presence of minerals like copper, magnesium, iron and selenium in it are responsible for the prevention of Asthma Attacks. Though they are tiny, yet are good sources of dietary fibre, which improves the bowels movements and aids in digestion. Apart from health, they also play a role in maintaining your skin and locks. It can be used along with essence oil for exfoliating the dead skin, and are abundant in vitamin A &D and other antioxidants which stall the ageing process. Mustard is great promoters of hair growth also it strengthens and conditions the weakened and damaged hair.  -Koya Satyasri

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Tearing Eyes!!

  Tears are produced from the lacrimal glands, which are present along the sides of the eyes; these glands open up at the medial end through ducts, they drip into the eyeballs, and the excessive tears are drained into the nasolacrimal duct into the nose. Tears formed through crying are associated with strong internal emotions, such as sorrow, elation, love, awe and pleasure.    Laughing or yawning may also lead to the production of tears. Physiologically there is an increased tear production, when eyes have been insulted, with allergens, chemicals, drying, infections, inward-turned eyelids or even in-turned eyelashes.   All these insults irritate the corneal epithelium, as a protective measure, the tear sac releases the tears, to subside the insult. The tear production can be pathological too, in case of blocked duct systems due to inflammation or without any apparent reason which is termed as epiphora. It is bothersome to have tear roll down your face all the time, moreover the stock up of the tears, makes the sac and ducts more prone to bacterial stagnation and infections. This issue is mostly face in the babies under 12months of age or in senior citizens.  In babies abnormal tearing is due to non-patency of the duct systems, this usually subsides with time, or by simple manipulation by pressing down over nose few times can pave way for the tears down the ducts. In elders, a simple blocked duct, may require probing and rarely requires a surgery to drain tear adequately. Fortunately, the offending cause can be treated and a surgical approach is not needed. -Koya Satyasri  

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Why should we have Buttermilk??

  Buttermilk in simple words is a blend of yogurt and water, with added spices and condiments like cumin powder, pepper, ginger or curry leaves, for the savor purpose. It is great mixture of small amount of fat, essential vitamins such as B-complex and Vitamin D, required minerals such as calcium and small amount of useful bacteria called probiotics.    The health advantages of buttermilk include:- It is high in calcium, which can be easily utilized for the strengthening the mineral framework of bones, aiding in keeping osteoporosis at bay. One cup of buttermilk supplies about 30% of our daily requirement of calcium.   Buttermilk boasts of good amounts of Riboflavin or B-2 Vitamin which is essential for the proper functioning of liver, so keeping in detox functions on track.   Buttermilk gives a helping hand to the digestive tract. It has a tendency to wash down spicy food and soothes the lining of the stomach post a hot and spicy meal. It is capable of enhancing the process of digestion, especially with additives like ginger and cumin. It has good amount of acid which maintains a good balance of the microbes in the gut and also in soothing the ailments such as lactose intolerance, stomach infections irregular bowel movements or irritable bowel syndrome.   Effective against heat and dehydration. It is full of electrolytes and is one of the best drinks to fight against the heat and loss of water from the body. It reduces body heat and alleviates many symptoms the post-menopausal women suffer from, like hot flushes.   The only pitfalls of over-consumption of buttermilk are excessive amounts of sodium, which peaks up the blood pressure and fat or cholesterol, predisposing to cardio-vascular events. -Koya Satyasri  

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The Flabby Arms!!

  Flabby arms may be considered as a disgrace by many of the young ladies. Having flabby arms means you cannot flaunt your arms in the summer-wear, and be comfortable. For women who have abnormally jiggly arms, the attention is pulled onto the arm, disregarding our aspects. The causes of the jiggly arms are mostly, inherited i.e., the fault in your DNA patterns being passed on from generations. This is a lesser explored reason of flabby arms, but a vital one! Apart from the genes, it is because of the diet and lifestyle. All thanks to the fast-food culture, this promotes cheese, white flour, refined sugar and preservatives, having very meager or none nutrients at all, so these foods are direct calories and no good to the body building process, but only pumping up the fat. Certain evitable causes, playing important roles are: Having high calorie diet, having low levels of testosterone and no weight-loss regime. A high calorie diet is the one which may sum up to anywhere close to 3500 kilocalories per day, about 800-1000 kilocalories over the required amounts, all these excess calories are converted into fat and stacked up, in various parts such as thighs, hips, lower abdomen and arms.   Testosterone, essentially a male hormone; but it is also found in women at a baseline level. The testosterone plays a vital role in how our bodies balance glucose, insulin, and fat metabolism, thus affecting the insulin sensitivity and also the patterns of fat accumulation. Unless we enroll ourselves for a rigorous weight loss regime, which aims at shedding the overall weight rather than just concentrating the arms, it hard to get rid of the flabby arms. -Koya Satyasri  

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