Aromatherapy is the practice of using the natural oils extracted from flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots or other parts of a plant to enhance psychological and physical well-being. Aromatherapy is being considered as a complementary treatment to be followed along with the standard treatment. But its credibility as an alternate medicine is still questionable.


Aroma-therapists have claimed to cure and prevent certain diseases, but there has been no evidence of either preventing or curing any disease, but it might help improving general well-being. This form of therapy has gained momentum recently, especially for pain relief, mood enhancement and increased cognitive function. There are a wide number of essential oils available, each with its own healing properties. These oils when seep into the body stimulates the nervous system either through the olfactory pathway or by the pharmacological route. The oils seep-in by topical application, massage, inhalation or water immersion.


Though it has many perks, there are certain safety issues too, since these essential oils are concentrated, can cause irritation if undiluted, best diluent-oils available are jojoba oil, olive oil, or coconut oil. Citrus based oils are known to be phototoxic. Certain essential oils are extremely toxic internally, like the eucalyptus oil, intakes of as little as a teaspoon have known to cause poisoning. The extreme reactions reported are seizures and liver, with the intake of sage, hyssop, thuja, and cedar oils. These should be kept out of reach of children.


All in all it is a good complementary form of medicine if proper precautions have been taken!

-Koya Satyasri