Ice cream is one such frozen dessert, relished by one and all alike, irrespective of any bias. The traditional recipe of ice cream had the ingredients like eggs, sugar, whole milk, heavy cream and the flavor extract; but off late there have been changes like addition of gelatin and milk substitutes which are loaded with saturated fats and refined carbohydrates.

Ice cream is a dessert best consumed in moderation if you want to avoid screaming for an ambulance. Many consider ice cream to be best medicine post an emotional turmoil, but it has some serious health implications. Ice creams are rich in dairy fat, which is essential for the production of hormones, energy and for the protection of organs; it is also high in saturated fat which pumps up the blood cholesterol levels, clogging the arteries thus increasing the risk of cardio-vascular disease i.e., stroke and heart attacks.

Since ice creams are high in refined carbohydrates, though these great sources of energy, but the excess portions are converted into fat and deposited all-over with special emphasis on our waist-line. Studies reveal the contrary to the notion that ice cream boosts our systems, but on contrary it make us sluggish, it is equivalent to a heavy meal and clouds the brain, it has been found that diets rich in sugar and saturated fats downgrade our cognitive skills and verbal memory. But it is true that indulging in a cup of frozen dessert make us happy; apparently, the carbohydrates lead to a small increase in serotonin, a neurotransmitter that's responsible for lifting our mood.

At times, craving for ice cream may indicate deficiency of certain nutrients like calcium, fat, sugar or it might simply mean you want a cold and sweet relish. It is okay to indulge occasionally.
