Article 13


Breath - The life changing Mantra


Hi friends hope everyone had a wonderful vacation. Now it's time to get back into the regular schedule. In my previous article I mentioned about the major aspects of breathwork. Here is an experience shared by one of my friends. She has been and still practices breathwork everyday. And helps many more people in dealing with their issues by giving sessions.

The changes that simple breath awareness has brought about in my life have been sinking into me rather in a very subtle way. My emotions no longer have the intensity or charge attached to them. My emotions do have peaks and troughs but the best part is I am able to observe my own emotions and quickly restore my mental balance. Just imagine how weird it sounds to be able to observe yourself when you are agnry-your body language, the muscles tightening all over your body, your vocal expressions etc. Trust me I just could see my anger drop down, just melt down like ice.Petty issues no longer affect me. It really took me sometime to take note of this. My thoughts are more focused and clear. Even in the worst of situations, the turbulence in the mind settles down very fast and I am able to take wise decisions. Being able to have criticism even when I have done my Best is another change I have observed in myself. Though there is an initial hiccup in it, I feel I am a lot better. Another observation is that many a times I was not able to really pinpoint the cause of my stress, albeit I would feel thoroughly squeezed out by late evening, slowly over a period of a time I have noticed that I am able to perceive the cause of my stress, optimize my reaction to stress, and release the pent-up stress effectively. This has prevented the drop in my energy level.

How wonderful !!!!!such is the power of breath.Anxiety has become a very common concern these days. I have seen many getting anxious for very small things for no reason. But when someone is going through those anxious moments, they seem to be so real. It hurts, and some times gives more pain when anyone writes off the anxiety. Some of the anxiety cases I handled could find relief almost after two to three sessions. Once anxiety is addressed appropriately, we realise many small, but important aspects of our life tend to change.

For example, when we are stuck in traffic and are late for an appointment, we become anxious. And in that anxiety we might end up crashing into something that may further delay. But missing your appointment is something that we cannot avoid just by getting anxious. The fact is, that you're already late and the traffic conditions won't change! Being anxious during such situations disturbs the entire day. But by staying cool and relaxed, the only disturbance would be missing an appointment.

- Nagavalli Cherukuri

More It's My Experience