Icecream Stick Crafts
Icecreams are famous among kids....i have also seen many Moms who think twice before trashing those icecreams sticks, incase they can be used for any craft purpose, some day for a school project., etc. Building doll houses with these has been a common trend from ages, and the DIYers have improvised thier purpose, many new crafts have come into place. You browse the web and you will find yourself drowning in numerous icecream stick craft ideas.
Simple puppets of your child's favorite characters, farm animals, wild animals using some felt material and googly eyes and color sketches can be easily made. Photo frames, fridge photo magnets, greeting cards, pencil holders using tin cans and some strong glue, front door decor....what not, i can type examples for hours...
what i want to say is, these are eco-friendly too, just reuse those sticks or buy an inexpensive pack and keep your child busy for an hour making these fun crafts...icecream stick crafts work pretty well as gifts to welcome guests or say thanks - goodbye to friends and family.
- Prathyusha Tallari