1. One of the key things you need to do is first discover what sets you apart from the rest. Learn to accept the person you are and your unique qualities. The trouble with a lot of people hails when they fail to accept that they are different from the rest of their peers. If you will not accept your unique qualities, how can you expect the rest of the world to do so to?
2. If you want to be different from others the trick is to figure out you are really good at. Once you know what you are good at, what you really like to do and what actually makes you happy, you will see how special you are. One of the ways to different from others is by finding developing a good habit or a practice. Start at the personal or professional level and it should be unique to your personality!
3.Once you are aware of what you like to do differently, gather the courage to do them too. For example, there are tons of people who do not like watching a movie by themselves and most of them consider it to be weird too. However, if you like these forms of entertainment go ahead and be different from the majority of people. Even if you have to stop in the middle of the road to feed a beggar or a homeless child do it without bothering about the gawking onlookers!
4. Oh! People love to gossip, whether you do good or do bad, people always love to gossip. However, to be different from others, Learn not to indulge in gossiping. Some may say that it is a women's domain, but, there are guys too who have formed ‘gupshup circles'. A mindless and wasteful hour spent on gossiping is an act which renders you to be a typical example of the herd mentality. So it is better for you to stay away from it!
5. One of the best ways to be different from others is to always keep your knowledge-seeking thirst ongoing. You should keep yourself tuned to the advances in your fields of interest. Make use of any given opportunity to keep adding your skills. Keep in mind that there is never any limit to the amount you can learn.
6. Developing your own personality is one level of achievement to be different from others. The next which follows is implementing it and flaunting it. You should remember not to assert yourself, but to just be yourself at all times. If you have a style and it happens be different, flaunt nevertheless!