How to cure Ulcer by Yoga?
A strong family history of ulcer is found in most persons with ulcer. This family tendency fixes the target organ at the physical level (Annamaya kosa) to manifest the internal imbalance that started in mind (Manomaya and the Pranayama Kosa).
All the other causes mentioned in the list are the triggers. They cause an imbalance either by decreasing the protectors or increasing the aggressors.
There are treatments to reduce or eliminate ulcers and these are all by natural methods such as the use of natural herbs.
• Aloe Vera is good for soothing and is anti-inflammatory.
• Licorice roots which soothe the stomach and increase gastric circulation of the body.
• Oregon grape and barberry, both contain berberine substances that prevent bacteria.
• Astragalus – a kind of herb that has been used to treat ulcers for many years.
• Cranberry which helps prevent further infection in the stomach.
• Slippery Elm which can help protects the lining of the stomach.
• Cabbage juice high in glutamine which is effective against ulcers.
• Turmeric can decrease too much acidity in the stomach.
• Marshmallow which helps relieves pain and inflammation.
• Cat’s Claw which is a woody vine that reduces inflammation of ulcers.
• Rhubarb, it prevents growth of bacteria in the stomach.
• Meadowsweet and Mullein are good as pain relievers.