Worst Drinks for Weight Loss

Worst Drink for Weight Loss, Weight Loss Worst Drinks, Worst Weight Loss Tricks: Many drinks that appear to help with weight loss are actually the complete opposite. 5 of the worst drinks for weight loss.

* Soda Drinks – Your soda drinks have loads of empty calories you can do without. Even the diet sodas do not help in weight loss as their effect is temporary.

* Energy Drinks – Energy drinks used by sportspersons are also full of calories. The nutrients that are added in them are available from other low-carb drinks.

* Fancy Coffee – Coffee with a little sugar and skimmed milk may not be so bad but those that have whipped cream, ice-cream and lots of sugar gives you more calories than a full meal.

* Beer – Regular serving of beer has around 150 calories and it is not unusual to have 2 or more servings on an outing. Those sincere about losing weight should stay away from this drink.

* Full-Cream Milk – This drink is not a healthy option for you. Remove the cream before drinking or simply choose toned milk.



Best Drinks for Weight Loss http://teluguone.com/vanitha/content/best-drinks-for-weight-loss-74-8574.html