Understand Your Body!
Do you really know your body? May be not! Once you read the facts below, you will know exactly how your body functions everyday. Can you take a guess how much hair you lose everyday? On an average an individual loses 80 strands of hair daily. This is true for those who wash their hair once a week or on a daily basis. Research says more hair is lost during the summer months, when compared to the rest of the year.
Have you ever met the good bacteria on your skin? If you haven’t, its time to say hello to them. These micro organism help in skin cell turnover and build our immunity. You know what? We leave out a few of them, wherever we go. We are all shedding skin throughout out lives. Even as you use your PC to read this article, you are shedding out a lot of dead skin. Interestingly, the surface of all parts of our body is dead except for our eyes. If our body is made of 1.6 trillion skin cells, we replace 30,000 to 40,000 of them every hour. Our body takes 30 days to regenerate completely. It may interest you to know that the dust you find at home, is nothing but the skin you have been shedding all through. Now you know your body better. So, take care of it and live a healthy life.
- Kruti Beesam