Shirshasana Head Posture
Shirshasana Head Posture, Headstand, Shirshasana, Sirsasana, Yoga Positions, Asana, Yoga Postures:The posture looks imposing to beginners and is extremely powerful. Place your mat into a comer, kneel down and place your interlocked fingers in the comer close to the walls.
Keep your head into the hollow of the palms, rise off the knees and take a step or two towards the comer. Raise one leg and place it in the comer against the wall. Ask a friend to help you if you are doing it for the first time. Just pull the other leg up. Keep the posture for about 15 seconds and then come out the headstand, lowering one leg at a time.
* Fold both the legs at the knees and be seated on the heels of the feet. The body, neck, spine and head should be kept erect. Palms can be placed on the knees. Breathe normally.
* Interlock the fingers of hands and place them on the soft padding by leaning forward.
* Keeping elbows shoulder widths apart, gently place the back of the head on the inner side of the interlocked fingers. Now slowly lift knees from the floor and take one or two steps towards the head.
* Inhale and simultaneously lift the legs gently so that they are in a vertical position. Keeping the back straight, relax and breathe deeply from the abdomen.
* old on in the same position for fifteen seconds. The time duration can be increased gradually up to three minutes with practice. While returning to the initial normal position, first bend the knees and place one leg on the floor first and then bring the other down.