Rig Veda And Yoga
Rig Veda is the oldest noted book in any Indo Dweller Faculty. We owe the Rig Veda to the Indic articulate Aryans. The yogic scriptures are codified in Indic.
Indus- Sarasvati civilization is named after two eager rivers that erst flowed in federal India. Since River Sarasvati dehydrated up around 1900 B.C, only the Indus River flows through Pakistan.
Excavations from the Indus-Valley civilisation pretense us the evidence of yoga's cosmos regularise during that period. Excavators initiate depictions carven on soapstone seals that resemble yogi similar figures.
We humans e'er want to judge something and necessitate an orgin to it or option it our own.Instead of staying with the legitimate nature of what it is.
Yoga is documented in India extendable before the lose of Empire and there's no proof that it originated anywhere additional than Bharat.
Secondly, Dravidians are not Africans. That's Afrocentric meaningless. Grab repeating Afrocentric message as facts. Today Dravidians are not a run but a communication assemble and no, they are not mistreated. Noone can secern who's an Caucasian vs dravidian in Bharat today.