Personal Values Benefits Yoga
* Along with a host of benefits, Yoga also helps in developing and attaining personal values. Yoga erases a variety of ills in human beings. These may range from feelings of frustration, persecution and insecurity. Yoga greatly helps in the development of personal values.
* Personal values are those values which an individual develops and lives by all through his life. The main aim of life is to enjoy every moment and Yoga indeed plays a vital role in this regard. Yoga makes life better. Yoga is a continuing process and a life long thing, not just something you do for a while and stop. We all strive for improvement throughout our lives. It is an indication of our resolve to improve and remain fit. Yoga helps us to attain these goals.
* Our body is the vehicle that carries our mind. It is here that Yoga assumes great significance. Personal Values are very important as they define your character and they develop your personality. Your personality is the way others see you. There is a golden rule in this regard- if you don't respect yourself, no-one else will.
* So you have to earn that respect from others, not just by words but actions too. Yoga also helps you in your resolve to be better. Remember, your personal values are the foundation of your life; you have to continuously grow them up and nurture. Grow and develop them for entire life.