Tips to relieve Varicose Vein pains



For those of you who have varicose veins know that r this painful inflammation of the veins can be extremely painful. Herbal and allopathic treatments, dietary changes and lifestyle modifications are an excellent way of relieving the symptoms of aching, heaviness, and swelling in the legs and ankles. Try these few tips to help you alleviate the pain and ease the swellings.


  • Try to include foods like  fresh fruits, including aamla and citrus family fruits, making sure to nibble on the inside of the rinds,  also whole grains, especially, wheat and millet.
  • Try eating more garlic, onion, ginger, and pineapple, which contains bromelain, an enzyme that promotes break-up of fibrin which  disperses build-up of a protein that makes skin near varicose veins hard and lumpy,
  • Take  alternate hot and cold baths. This is believed to stimulate circulation in the legs.
  • Regular exercise stimulates circulation, improves muscle tone, and helps prevent varicosities. Walking and swimming are considered excellent therapy, as are gentle leg-muscle stretches Start your morning with a brisk walk or finish your day with a swim or bicycle ride.
  • Certain yogaasanas such as the Sarvangaasana, Halaasana, and Pawanmuktaasana series promote circulation and the drainage of blood from the legs.
  • Regular massage can significantly alleviate discomfort associated with varicose veins. Never massage directly on varicose veins.
  •  Avoid use of any tight clothing, especially if it constricts the waist area, and avoid use of high heel footwear, which stops normal muscle contraction in the lower leg, affecting circulation.
  • Raise the foot of the bed by up to six inches (place hard pillow under the feet). This is not uncomfortable and helps gravity to ease back pressure on the veins at night.
  • Avoid standing for lengthy periods. If your job requires you to be on your feet constantly, stretch and exercise your legs as often as possible to increase circulation and reduce pressure build-up. 
  • Use elasticized support hose if your job entails excessive standing, or when pregnant, or if you are overweight. 
  • If you like to sit with your legs crossed, cross them at the ankles rather than the knees for better circulation.