Miranda Kerr Diet Tips and Secrets

Miranda Kerr Diet And Nutrition Tips, Miranda Kerr Victoria's Secrets, Miranda Kerr's Diet Secrets: The Victoria's Secret model already at a fragile age is considered one of the sexiest women alive by various magazines and beauty specialists.These are some of the Miranda Kerr fitness and diet secrets to keep in mind when aspiring for a similar spotless body shape and healthy skin.

* Miranda has been a devotee of Noni Juice since she was 12 years old, and credits this vitamin-rich supplement for boosting her immune system and keeping her skin soft and radiant.

* Miranda likes to use coconut oil, (which offers a myriad of health benefits from lowering cholesterol to aiding digestion and assisting with weight loss) as a substitute to other oils used in food preparation and cooking. “I personally find it beneficial and use approximately four teaspoons of coconut oil a day (in my salads and meals)”, she says.

* “Made from alfalfa concentrate, is naturally alkaline and contains vitamins, minerals and every essential amino acid. It helps increase energy and improve wellbeing”, says Miranda.

* “I always try to make sure my diet consists of approximately 80% Alkaline and 20% acidic foods. Alkaline foods are primarily fresh fruits and vegetables. Acidic foods are meats and highly processed foods like breads, pastries and desserts. As I am not a vegetarian, meat; being primarily seafood and chicken make up most of my personally acidic food intake,” she says.

* “I believe drinking around 2 litres of water a day is paramount to having a healthy mind and body. If possible I try to drink alkaline water and have installed an alkaline water filter in my home”, says Miranda

* “I personally don’t consume sugar. If I have anything sweet (which is fairly rare as I have trained my taste buds from an early age not to crave sugar) or if I make something that needs to be sweetened I use Agave Nectar instead of sugar,” says Miranda.

* “Pilates is great for core strength and it is also great for targeting and building on specific muscles,” says Miranda. “My suggestion to you is to start yoga and pilates as I believe nothing will help you get your body into shape better than this combination," she says.