Can Yoga Promote Weight Loss

Yoga helps you gain a leaner and flexible body by burning more calories with each Yoga postures. Top yoga poses for weight loss are:

    * Dhanurasana – Strengthens abdominal muscles, reduces tummy fat and improves strength.

    * Pavanamuktasana – Puts pressure on the abdominal muscles, which help in better blood circulation and burns the excess fat.

    * Uttanapadasana – Focuses on reducing fat in the stomach, thigh, waist and hips.

    * Paschimottasana – This posture is highly beneficial for women after childbirth. The forward bending posture reduces the fat from the abdomen and flexes the muscles of the leg and back.

    * Suryanamaskar – Series of postures, which tones the entire body and also aids in effective weight loss.