How Many Calories to Lose Weight?
How many calories to lose weight calculator, weight loss calculator, how many calories to lose a pound, how many calories to lose weight per day: One of the top reasons diets fail is because people eat too few calories. When you do this, you force your body to slow down its metabolism. This causes all kinds of hormonal changes that work against you and your fat loss goals.
The best way to determine how many calories you need is to follow these steps:
* Once you find the calorie intake that causes you to add weight, start to subtract 500 calories per day for every pound you want to lose per week. If you want to lose 1 pound per week, then subtract 500 calories per day. If you want to lose 2 pounds, then subtract 1000 calories per day.
* Set a goal of how much weight loss/gain you desire each week.'
* Watch the scale. Is your weight going up or down?
* Plan your exercise program. Make sure you have a combination of resistance training and cardio.
* Get yourself a food journal so you can write down every single thing you eat. You should be writing down the calories for everything.
* Eat 2,000 calories per day. Plan your diet out in advance so that you know you are eating this much every single day. Fill your calories with healthy meals. Here are over 100 healthy recipe ideas.
* If when you started off eating 2,000 calories you immediately started gaining weight on a week to week basis (for at least 2 straight weeks), then you can go ahead and start cutting calories.
* If it’s going down, add 500 calories to your diet. Your goal is try and find how many calories you need to eat before you start to put on weight.
* Once you find this calorie amount, congratulations, you’ve just found that magic number that everyone is seeking – the calorie number that all future weight loss/gain formulas are based off of.
* If after adding 500 calories your weight is still going down, add another 500 calories per day until your weight increases on a week to week basis. Do NOT be afraid of adding a pound or two in the beginning. Everyone wants to see the scale go in one direction only. This isn’t going to happen.
* The important thing is you find the calorie amount that is going to enable you to eat as many calories as possible and still lose weight. This will keep your fat loss progress going, and ensure that the weight you lose is fat instead of muscle.