Healthy food for Digestive System
Digestion is the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food into smaller components that are more easily absorbed into a blood stream, for instance. Digestion is a form of catabolism: a breakdown of large food molecules to smaller ones.
The digestive system is very important for the maintenance of health. The digestive system processes everything we eat and drink to supply the body with the energy and material that it needs to function, build and maintain itself. It comprises the digestive tract from the mouth through the stomach, small and large intestines, to the anus.
There are many areas in the digestive process where things can go wrong. Below we have addressed
: * Crohn's disease,
* irritable bowel syndrome (IBS),
* hemorrhoids (piles),
* indigestion, and * diarrhea.
We can reduce the risks of developing a range of Digestive System Disorders, and add many more years of healthy, active time to their life span, by eating a healthy, high fiber diet including lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, while avoiding processed foods, fast foods, and foods that are high in salt, sugar, and fat.
you may benefit from including one or more of the following foods in your diet - all of them are rich in nutrients that are particularly important to the health of your digestive system.
Ginger is often used to settle an upset stomach or treat severe stomach ailments such as dyspepsa or colic. It is frequently used today in developing countries to treat diarhea. Ginger contains special enzymes responsible for catalyzing the proteins in your food, thus aiding in digestion and the prevention of craps.
Foods rich in fiber
Your body needs fiber. Once the missing fiber in the diet, you are prone to constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), heart disease and some cancers. Foods rich in fiber and filter to keep food in the digestive system to extract energy and nutrients, wastes also pushed back out. Please add to your daily diet you all kinds of vegetables, fiber from whole grains, whole grain products, fruits, vegetables, beans, peas, lentils …
Drinking water between your meals cleans the stomach of the small trapped food pieces and gives it a rest so it can stop producing acids. Water also helps to clean the digestive tract of small pieces of food. Enzymes, water, and good bacteria all work together to maintain optimum digestion, nutrient absorption and health.
Avocados are one of the best foods you can eat for digestive health. Avocados work to stimulate the healthy functioning of your digestive organs, including your pancreas, gallbladder, liver and intestinal tract.
Not only do whole oats contain plenty of soluble- fibre, they also provide significant amounts of selenium, thiamin, phosphorus, and manganese, and smaller amounts of copper, folate, vitamin E, and zinc.
If you have to choose between rolled oats and quick oats, choose the rolled variety. Rolled oats are made with a steaming process that doesn't destroy many nutrients, while quick oats are made with dehydrating and pre-cooking processes, which typically leave oats extremely nutrient-depleted.
Cod liver oil
Cold liver oil provides plenty of natural vitamin A, It also provides natural vitamin D, which we know is an extremely powerful immune system modulator, with research indicating that vitamin D may be critically important in preventing the development of autoimmune conditions, including those of the GI tract.
If you want to build and maintain a healthy digestive tract for the long term, you really have to take a holistic approach and address several areas of your life: your food choices, eating habits, exercise habits, resting habits, and emotional health.