No Overdose Please
In this competitive world, peer pressure and social pressures are pushing people in to problems. One among them is, over doing workouts just to reach a zero size body. But have you ever thought about the repercussions this over exercise has? Every body in this planet is unique and responds differently to different workouts. “When you aim to own certain size and shape and do too much of work outs without listening to your body or not knowing the characteristics of your body, then the results will bring more complications than ever” say experts. You might end up with physiological, psychological or hormonal imbalances which are too dangerous.
Before starting any work out plan, consulting your family doctor is must. Especially for women, if you had deliveries and surgeries then you have to take advise from your gynaecologist on your wait loss or gain. Then they will tell you the figure you have to arrive based on your age, medical background. But never ever jump in to conclusion and play with your body by undergoing too much of workout regime unless doctor prescribes the same.
Avoid too much work out: When you are working out in a gym having no expert around or having no knowledge on how to use and how much to use the machines then it might cause injuries to you. So avoid too much workout than the required dose.
Listen to your body: When the exercises you are doing cross the normal limit then body will surely give you an alarm. Be open to receive the same. You body is your best friend and tells you what is good for you and what is not. Catch the signals and stop there when your body is saying you are already overburdened.
Address health issues: When doing regular work outs and proper exercise can bring back your health, it can even destroy more if you cross the limit and do excessive workout. so make sure that your exercises are always as advised by your trainer / expert.