Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage
Once in a while when you feel sluggish and you go through certain muscular discomfort, consider getting yourself a Deep Tissue Massage. This massage targets any specific muscular problems with the use of long slow strokes and deep pressure and releases any muscle tensions and has numerous benefits
· It removes toxins which build by due to any blockage of nutrients and oxygen in your muscle tissue.
· It loosens the hardened muscles
· Helps in improved blood circulation which leads to overall body health.
· Removes any sluggishness which accumulates because of lack of exercise or adequate rest for the body.
· Deep breathing while getting the massage done is important as the Oxygenation of the muscles will help the massage do its work and ease discomfort.
How it is done: You will need to undress and the therapist will put a large towel covering you .The elbows, fingers, and ceramic, wooden, or glass tools may be used for optimal penetration of the muscle. The speed of the strokes will be slower than a regular massage and the duration will be about an hour and a half, depending on the therapist and how much you pay. You should tell the therapist as to where your trouble spots are like your neck, lower back or any specific area which is painful. The therapist will apply pressure there for extra relief and hold it for a few minutes.
Post Massage: After the massage it is good to soak in a tub of warm/hot water of with Epsom salts. Epsom salt draws the toxins out into the water and you will feel rested after the long massage and relax and get a complete benefit of the Deep Tissue Massage.