Precautions when doing Yoga during Pregnancy
Yoga has become a well endorsed form of Prenatal exercise during pregnancy and both the Hollywood and Bollywood superstars who swear by practicing Yoga as the reason for their fit and trim figures ! Yoga also has certain dos and don’ts according to the rule book and not all postures and pranayama can be done during pregnancy. Check out the following tips while practicing Yoga during Pregnancy.
Tip -1 Stick to standing exercises in the first trimester:
Standing yoga poses are excellent to strengthen your leg muscles, improve circulation, increase energy and helps reduce leg cramps that one commonly feels during pregnancy. They help keep pressure off the belly and abdomen making the exercise safe for you and your baby.
Tip-2 Breathing exercises in the second trimester and third trimester:
The second and third trimester is the time to relax, and deep breathing and meditation can help you do just that. Breathing techniques or Pranayama will help relax your mind, oxygenate your body and help you deal with mood swings. Check with your Yoga Therapist for the right form of breathing exercises and follow them.
Tip-3 General Tips
• Do consult your doctor before practicing yoga postures.
• Avoid doing asanas that put pressure on the abdomen and those that are difficult during the earlier stages of pregnancy.
• When you are practicing twisting poses do not overstretch your abdomen, instead lay emphasis on your shoulders and the upper back.
• Do not do asanas where you are required to be upside down.
• It is also advised not to practice yoga postures from the tenth through the fourteenth week of pregnancy.
• Remember not to slouch or raise your shoulders while breathing in. Also, breathe in deeply using your lungs and try not to allow the air to fill in your stomach.