Super Immunity for Kids-3



The basics steps to follow when parents of a child or anyone is intending to boost thier immunity, is to first stop being clean-freaks. Too much of bacteria-free lifestyle is also bad. It forces one to fall sick easily. Let the children get dirty, play outdoor sports, not eashing their hands too often or over-using anti-bacterial soaps. Once a child gets exposed to dirt and germs, the immune system responds and gets active trying to fight and expel those bacteria from the body, which strengthens the immunity. 

All hand soaps and cleansers that contain Triclosan, are suspected to contribute to the development of antibiotic- resistant bacteria...slowly changing the germ fighting ability of the body. Instead using a natural antibacterial gel or make one, by combining witch hazel or alcohol, tea tree oil and lavender essential oil. 

Vitamin D is the primary source of building ones immunity system. Depending on our skin tone, about 15 minutes of complete sun exposure a day will lead to natural production of sufficient amounts of vitamin D. If kids have dark skin or live in a cloudy region, they may need vitamin D supplements. 

Let not the child be sad, else the immune system will suffer. When a person is happy, the Brain releases chemicals that increase immunity. A happy child is a healthy child. This applies to everyone, not just children. Happy world is a safer world!!



- Prathyusha Talluri