Yoga poses for a slim and curved waist
Every one wants to have a slim waist and so you are here. Here are some of the yoga poses which you can make your waist slim. We need to consider that some of us just will never have a narrow waist because of our bone structure.
While female waist size is acknowledged as important in modern Western society and culture. A flat tummy and a slim waist is the dream of every woman; but very few attempt at having and maintaining such a figure. There is no need to despair as we can easily turn to yoga for this. These yogasanas besides trimming the tummy and giving a good waistline also help the mind to relax.
Padahastasana is a sanskrit word. Pada means feet and hasta means hand. This asana helps to reduce excess fat in the abdominal area. A graceful figure can be maintained through the regular practice of this asana.
Instruction for Padahastasana
* Stand straight with an erect spine and legs shoulder-width apart. Feet must be parallel to each other.
* Inhale and raise both your hands straight above your head, The palms should be facing outwards.
* Exhale slowly and bend your head and neck down and slowly bend your trunk at the waist and push the head further downwards.
* Ensure that the knees do not bend and the arms are touching the ears.
* Exhaling stretch your arms to catch the big toe of the corresponding legs. Use the thumb, index and middle finger to grasp the toes. if possible you can put the palms under the feet.
* Complete exhalation and hold your breath.
In the beginning, some of you may not be able to touch your toes. In that case try and bend as far you can. Repeat this pose three times in the morning. Retain this pose for 10 seconds each time. By regular practice you can remain in this pose for one minute.
Urdhava Hastotasana
This yoga pose is extremely beneficial to women. Since it involves stretching, it helps to keep the waist slim and the chest broad. Urdhava Hastotanasana increases the flexibility of the body.
Instructions for Hastotasana
* Stand erect and raise both your arms. Now interlock the fingers.
* Slowly swing the trunk to the right.
* Come back to the original position.
* In the same way, with the fingers interlocked, swing the trunk to the left.
* In the beginning you can do this pose for 15 seconds on each side.
Gradually increase it to 30 seconds on each side.