Here are some of the ways to stop your toddler from biting.


We humans love to crave for attention and when it comes to toddlers, they are the stars in getting it. When toddlers discover the effects of biting and how it makes them the center of attention, they cannot resist the urge to keep repeating this act. This behaviour is seen especially when family members ignore them and cater to other responsibilities.


Yes, it is true that biting toddlers can be quite a nuisance. Nevertheless, every new parent should remember that they are only toddlers and most of them are unaware of their actions. You should keep in mind not to yell at them even if they have bitten a respected guest. The reason being that the situation will get all the more worse as they might bite back. Take action after the guest has left.


Keep a track on your toddler's biting behaviour. There could be several other causes too in regard this behaviour. If this behaviour continues after much effort of evading the habit, you need to seek a consultant for help.


Whenever your child bites another family member or a relative, do not directly approach him/her for this will simply reinforce his nasty behaviour. But, you can stop toddler biting by doing this trick. Simply walk towards the bitten victim and plant a soft kiss on the victim's cheeks or hug them tightly. This will immediately jitter the child and will help him stop biting others.


It is said that toddlers Learn to bite soon after they get their first set of milk teeth. New parents should know that once toddlers observe the reactions elicited by a nudge, they learn to experiment with their new set of teeth. It is natural that a victim of a bite immediately moves away to protect themselves from been bitten. Hence, these little toddlers use their teeth as a weapon for self-defense. It is however humane that every child resorts to biting or hitting when he/she feels the sense of insecurity of an external stimulus.


These are some of the reasons why toddlers bite and why you need to stop your toddler from biting.