`I and Me’ theory


Humans might have reached advanced stages in the field of science, but the world hidden in their mind is still a Pandora’s Box. The questions like- How does a man think about himself? How does he form his character? What really influences his personality? Has always been a source of numerous theories. One such theory is put forward by an American Philosopher named George Herbert Mead.


The Founder

Mead is thought to be one of the founders of Social Psychology. Social Psychology deals with the influence of society over the thoughts and behaviour of an individual. Mead have contributed various aspects in such Social Psychology and thus regarded as one of the significant psychologist in the lineage of Freud. The `I and Me’ theory proposed by Mead is thought to be the most path breaking theory in his life.


The Influence

There is no doubt that a man is a social animal. Though he seems to have a unique character of his own, such character is obviously influenced by the society. Right from our birth, we are sub consciously influenced by a lot of factors like the culture we are born and by the behaviour of our parents. As we grow up, we get influenced by our surroundings, our friends and our teachers. Thus in every stage of our life, we are being influenced by some factor or the other.


The Theory

Mead proposes that we have two identities within us. One is the `Me’ and the other one is the `I’. `Me’ is the set of influence that society has made on us. It is the set of attitudes and beliefs formed through the society. `I’ is the individual impulse. `I’ is the seeker and the knower. When `I’ receives some response from the society and accepts it, it would then become a part of `Me’. On the other hand `Me’ tries to mould `I’ according to the society. So both `I’ and `Me’ together would form a person.


Practical purpose

The `I and Me’ theory helps to pinpoint the affect of society over individual. On the other hand it helps to access the psychology of a person. People can be either be dominated by their `I’ part of the individuality or the `Me’ part. A person who relies mostly on reasoning and tries to act independently is the one who has a stronger `I’. He is the one who differs from the norms of the society and may try to shape his own character. On the other hand, a person who goes along with the society without any questioning is the one who has a dominant `Me’. He follows the rest of the mankind and thinks in the same manner as his neighbour thinks. So what do you think about yourself! Do you have a dominant `Me’ or a dominant `I’?


- Nirjara.


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