Remedies for seasonal Flu
posted on Aug 4, 2017 10:03AM
Cold, cough and flu are very common health disturbances in this season. Mentioned below are few tips which will give you relief from the cough and sore throat..
Use cough drops or hearbal mint candies which can soothe your sore throat. Try a teaspoon of honey which is a traditional remedy for sore throat and may helpful to soothe coughs too. Drinkingc hot water will keep your throat wet and will prevent from dry cough. Sip some warm tea or soup to heat up your throught. This will hydrate you, and warmth helps break up mucus and makes it easier to cough up.
Use cough medicine. Sometimes you need to cough to get out nasty mucus. But other times you need to calm your cough, like when you want to sleep. Cough syrups reduce your urge to cough. But please check with your doctor on the type of drug you need to take inside..
Take steam often using Vaporiser . Try breathing in steam from a hot shower. steam can keep your nose and throat from being too dry and get rid of that back-of-the-throat irritation. Gargle with salt water for 6-8 times in a day. This will surely give you relief from sour throat.
If you want to get rid of your flu fast then you need to take it easy. Your body needs energy to fight off the virus. So take as much rest as possible to get quick recovery.