Hyd youth burn puppies alive;arrested


In what seems to be a most cruel behaviour by a man towards a speechless animal, in Hyderabad, two videos have emerged of dogs being killed in most gruesome ways. In yet another incident which shows the pathetic condition of animal rights in our country, three people were arrested for allegedly tying three puppies together and then setting them on fire in the city. The three youths who burnt the puppies alive also shot a video of the incident which is now going viral on social media. One of the youths is even heard instructing the others to set the puppies on fire. The video was recovered from a fish stall owner in Musheerabad. A case has been filed by animal activists Shreya Paropkari and Jayasimha Nuggehalli. In their complaint, Shreya said that the boys "gathered flammable material and burnt the puppies alive and killed them. One of the perpetrators recorded the entire incident and is heard instructing and instigating the other culprits to set fire." Police said they have registered a case and started the investigation.