India Bans Porn Smartly



" India Bans Porn"  these three words causes heart break to  many people , previous governement has attempted to do it but it recived lot of criticism for it from the netizens ,some reputed youtube channels like All India Bak Chod made a satirical video also on this issue and some how government with drew this decision but once again this issue is getting focus . If a top media source is said to believe it claimed that many internet users of India were unable to access porn sites and it also became a major issue many twitter and reddit users were also complaining about this issue , they were accusing that some state owned ISP's and privatly owned ISP's were banning this as per the instructions of TRAI.

Well some intellectuals believe that banning will never work and people find new way in accessing it and  government should concentrate on maintaining law and order and get over such censorship desire