Milk Jaggery Payasam Recipe



Ingredients :

Milk - 1 litre

Sago - 1/3 cup

Jaggery - 1 cup

Cardamom powder - ½ tsp

Ghee - 3 tsp

Cashews - 2 tbsp

Raisins - 2 tbsp Boil the milk & keep ready.

Heat 2 tsp ghee & roast the sago on a low fire.

The sago must puff up uniformly – this is important.



Now add the hot milk & simmer. Cook for 10 mts, stirring continuously, on a low fire. In the meanwhile, add ½ cup of water to jaggery in a saucepan & heat till it dissolves.

Strain & heat till it becomes little syrupy. Remove the sago-milk mixture from stove & add this jaggery syrup, stirring continuously for 10 mts, to prevent “breaking” of milk.

Do not put back on fire. Add cardamom powder & cashew-raisins roasted in ghee. Best served warm – do not refrigerate. If it becomes thick, add little more milk, when serving.