Ingrown Nails seems to be mere issues which may not catch our attention at initial stages, but later these worsen to an extent that it may disable us from our day-to-day activities. Ingrown toenails occur when the edges or corners of the nails grow into the skin next to the nail. The big toes are the most likely victims. 


Ingrown nails have no age barrier, more likely to occur in people with sweaty feet, diabetic patient due to poor circulation and in old-aged people due to thickening of the nails with age. Apart from these some our activities also play a role in their causation like; irregular and curved nails, cutting the nails straight across which leaves the edges poking into the skin encouraging to grow inwards, toenail injury, unhygienic foot care, footwear putting on undue pressure, and activities like kickboxing and ballet. 


They usually present with a tender, hardened and swollen skin next to the nail, pain on pressure and fluid build-up may be occasionally seen. If left unattended it may get infected, with oozing pus, bleeding and excruciating pain.


The management at home is to maintain foot hygiene, wear proper sized shoes, Soaking the feet in a tub of warm water and pushing skin away from the toenail edge with a cotton ball soaked in olive oil. If these practices do not give relief then consult a doctor, who may prescribe pain killers (NSAIDS) and topical antibiotics in case of an infected one. Rarely a surgery may be required which involves either partial or complete removal of the nail.

-Koya Satyasri