Acne is widespread issue being battled by many of us; these outbreaks may occur anywhere but most often occur over face, back, chest, and at times the neck and shoulders. Most of these outbreaks subside without any residual effect, but may occasionally leave behind ugly scars. 


It is a known fact that, skin secretes sebum which protects the skin from drying out; on the contrary excess production may lead to acne. Blackheads and whiteheads are kinds of sebaceous plugs, or comedones. These sebaceous plugs are formed by the accumulation of dead cells, oil or sebum, and bacteria which clog the pores of the skin. 


When the pore is clogged up and stays open, its contact with air oxidizes the fat or it accumulates dirt at its tip imparting it a darker shade thus called a Blackhead, since they are open pore these are extractable. When a clogged pore is closed it develops into a Whitehead, these are not extractable to squeezing. Normally, a whitehead does not become inflamed. If bacteria enter the comedone, however, it can become infected and turn into an inflamed papule or pustule.


The exact cause of acne is however still a mystery, hormonal changes are at the top of the list of causes. These can also be caused by certain cosmetics, perspiration or fabrics. Yet, another most common cause being the intake of high fatty food and seldom physical work. The best medicine is to gently wash your face twice a day with mild soap and lukewarm water, and also keeping away from the known culprits.

- Koya Satyasri