During summer eyes not only have to deal with heat but also with dry and dusty winds. Eyes are one such organs that are easily prone to damage by heat and are least noticed.


Damage to eyes is easily missed upon since they are minimal and non-specific. The symptoms range from simple drying up, itching, and excessive tearing to red inflamed eye.


The Protective measures to be taken are:


* Use good quality Sunglasses which can efficiently block the UVA and UVB rays, they not shield our eyes but also eyelids. Opt for close-fitting one for near complete protection.


* If you are using lenses make sure they are well matched for your sight requirements and opt for gray ones Avoid going out in warm and windy weather. Keep out from the smoking zones, as smoke tends to irritate and rob the eyes off their moist.


* Regular Blinking is yet another simple measure, a minimum of 10 times per minute. Sleep for good 6 to 8 hours.


* Drink ample amounts of water is very essential for maintaining good eye care. Intake of omega-3 fatty acids found in flax seeds, nuts and fish, these foods reduce the inflammation.


So next time you walk out from your house don’t forget your Goggles!!


--Koya Satyasri