However the moment a word 'Diet' is heard most people often misinterpret it as starving in the name of dieting! Now balanced Diet means being aware to eat from all food groups every day as per your body type and lifestyle consuming sufficient calories that supply all the essential nutrients to help nurture all your organs, skin, tissues, muscles, bones, cells etc. Eating right regularly and not once in a while has a significant role in making you achieve some of your wellness goals.

But crash dieting does have side effects which people need to be conscious about that is explained in this post. Crash diets/Fad diets/Green diets/Zero carb diets/Mono diets/Tea diets/Soup diets/Protein diets/Nature cure there are so many forms!

All these can also be termed as 'starvation dieting' which involves cutting off the amount of food intake to a larger extent without looking at the nutrient loss. Most dieting repackaged plans rely on three basic principles: pushing or banning a specific food or food group which may be harmful on health in the long run.

Crash Dieting Health Effects :

• Each vitamin or mineral regulates a bodily process, for instance calcium keeps bones strong, vitamin A keeps the skin smooth, vitamin C and E fight infection. When you exclude any of food groups from your food in the name of crash dieting, you are putting yourself at risk for illness.

• Deficiencies of essentials vitamins and minerals – It can cause deficiency of sodium and potassium in body responsible for proper functioning of nerves and muscles. It also leads to iron deficiency which causes anemia.

• Osteoporosis – It also leads to calcium deficiency which can cause bone loss.

• Extreme calorie cutting can lead to dizziness or even fainting due to lack of nutrients.

• Negative effects on cholesterol levels - It lowers the level of HDL (good cholesterol) in body which can lead to a heart disease.

• Organ Failure – Due to lack of energy organs like heart, kidney, liver and brain will start burning muscle tissue which can lead to organ failure.

• Low Metabolism – Crash diet leads to slow metabolism as body gets used to few calorie intake. It goes to starvation mode even after one goes back to normal calorie intake.

• Eating Disorders - Excessive crash dieting can also develop eating disorders namely anorexia or bulimia.

• Depression- Person following crash diets suffers from either depression or mood change.

Sorry to inform but there are no miracle pills, potions, creams, belts and shoes which can help you grow muscles or cut flab from your body in no time. These may sometimes help in short term but then you have to supplement them with right dietary and fitness programmes along with a positive mind to extract the benefit out of them.

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