Press The Depression Down
posted on Nov 23, 2015 11:02AM
WHO(world health organization) states that India is the depression capital of the world (the increasing number of suicides supports this). "It is estimated that by the year 2020, the burden of depression will increase to 5.7% of the total burden of disease and it would be the second leading cause of disability-adjusted life years after ischemic heart disease," according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
Are we aware of this threat? Are we ready to fight it out??
What actually is depression? Is it so life threatening?
Depression is often passed off as a phase of sadness and the person suffering is labelled as a weak person with a negative attitude towards life. But the truth is Sadness and depression are entirely different states of mind. While sadness is a short /momentary state of mind and is experienced by most of the people at some time or the other. Where as depression, is a state that is marked by severity, increased duration and the incapacitating effect that it has on those afflicted with it.
A marked sense of hopelessness, and feeling of being worthless engulfs the afflicted. A depressive phase can last for several weeks to months and even years.
Rather than going deep into the medical aspects of depression, let us focus on mental well-being. An excessively aspiration-driven lifestyle, inadequate rest and recreation and poor physical fitness are breeding grounds for a depressive mind . If depressed, treatment and counselling are a prerequisites, for there is a very strong link between depression and suicide.
Depression can completely throw apart every little bit of your daily life making it difficult for you to pick up the pieces. Here are small but significant steps, as per psychologists that will help you to get your life back on track.
1) Get into a routine: Living in depression means you no longer are able to plan and execute your daily goals and targets. So try and pull yourself with all your might back into either your old routine or any new routine you want to follow.Its a must.
2) Goal setting: Depression affects your confidence too. You can end up feeling you are unable to achieve anything. To come out of this feeling, start setting smaller and achievable goals. Once you are able to fulfill those goals, you will start feeling better about yourself.
3) Exercise: Daily workout helps you get that 'feel good' emotion as it releases endorphin's. In fact, regular exercise can help rewire the brain to make you feel more positive about yourself.
4) Eating healthy: People tend to overeat or eat too less while going through depression. So they need to keep a watchful eye over their diet. Experts also suggest that certain food helps in battling depression. According to them, mega-3 fatty acids and folic acid (such as spinach and avocado) can alleviate depression.
5) Sleep: Those living with depression can have trouble sleeping well. But sleep is important for the body and the mind to function well. So make sure you get a good night's sleep everyday.
Above all any person in Depression or Depression like situations should come out open and talk about it to near and dear and express themselves. This will give them a sense of relief and the feeling of loneliness will vanish. Depression is not a sign of weakness,but fighting it out is definitely a show of your strength. Be Strong!!!
-Pushpa Bhaskar