All About The Dakshina Kailasam!


Today let us visit a temple outside India. We don’t have to go very far. We only need to travel to our neighboring country, Sri Lanka. The Koneswaram temple is situated here, in  Trincomalee, Eastern Province of Sri Lanka. Built in the Chola period it was once known as Dakshina Kailasam [Supreme abode of Lord Shiva]. The main deity of this temple is Lord Shiva who manifested himself here as Kona - Eiswara. The Koneswaram complex is the home of not only the Shiva temple, but it also has the temples of Bhadrakali, Ganesh, Vishnu Thirumal, Surya, Raavana, Ambal-Shakti and Murukan within it. Koneswaram temple is symbolic of a crown from Lord Shiva’s head to his feet. It was built on the Swami Rock. When you visit the Koneswaram temple you will see a large statue of Ravana who is a great devotee of Lord Shiva. When you enter the temple I’m sure you will be able to appreciate its ancient architecture, despite the damage caused by multiple attacks. Do let us know your experience.

- Kruti Beesam

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