Breath- The Life Changing Mantra-8


Friends, till now we have learnt how to breath effortlessly. Unconsciously, most of us put unnecessary effort, thinking that more effort gives better results. Not just in breathing, but in our daily life too we use lot of effort in doing certain activities. Not realising just like in breathing,  this unnecessary effort actually is  some times a block in taking us forward!!! 

It's very easy to relax when we are in a very comfortable situation, when there is a wonderful family and all relationships going great, when we are financially stable and all bills are paid on time, when we are professionally settled and the heads are really clear..... Everything feels right in the world .

But how can one relax when someone is insulting, criticising and finding faults in them, when you are lost or confused because of the life situations, when you are in-pain physical or emotional, when things don't go your way, when there is always some sort of concern around you.......... But its actually at these times that relaxing and letting go can work real magic!!!

It's difficult.......but how quickly or deeply can you relax in the face of these tough situations or in the middle of such circumstances? When you are tensed, or you experience a shock, when things don't work as you planned, how easily can you let go. How quickly and completely can you fall back into a state of ease.

Learning to relax and breathe easily at the same time is very important. When we do relaxed breathing, energy is generated in the body. When we struggle or use too much of energy to breathe, the energy generated is used in the struggle. Then the whole purpose of breathing exercises is lost!
When we struggle to breathe or use excess energy while breathing, our muscles contract and there is an interference and absorption of subtle energy. This energy which is intended for healing or other creative purpose is consumed by the muscular effort

Let's see how we end up struggling in our daily life.

Struggles... who hasn't heard of them or experienced! Unconsciously, we all happen to struggle right from our birth. We struggle to be born, to be understood, to be accepted and approved of and to be cared of. We struggle to find a partner, we struggle to pay the rent, we struggle to get ahead, we struggle to overcome obstacles.
But let me tell you friends, we unnecessarily waste our energy in this process which otherwise would be used for something constructive.

"Struggling is the opposite of relaxation, but we end up struggling to relax!

Last article we learnt how to relax the body parts that are not directly involved in breathing. It's important to focus on relaxed breathing. This actually brings new level of relaxation into our lives, relationships, work and other activities


Nagavalli Cherukuri

Also practices past life regression therapy and inner child healing

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