Breath- The Life Changing Mantra-9


Hi friends before further I go into how breath can help us at different life situation. I thought it's a nice idea to share my own journey. My journey of rebirthing breathwork. This is a testimonial I gave to Life research Academy in the year 2010

Happy reading-

My experiences with Rebirthing-Breathwork were always very different from what're I expected….

In 2007 I came to know that I have psoriasis. My father, suggested that I undergo breathwork sessions with a rebirther since it is a psychosomatic disorder. I was wondering and was very curious to know what traumas I could be carrying because of which I have this problem. I am in a happy family with a supportive husband, wonderful children, and understanding parents and in-laws….so I decided to go to the sessions to know the underlying reason, just trusting my father. Here I must mention I implicitly trusted my father and not the process of rebirthing.

The sessions went on well. In the fourth session my rebirther, Ms.Vijayanthi, asked me if I observed any changes in myself, and whether people around me noticed any. I just thought about it and realized that my daughter has changed a lot. She has become more open and expressive; otherwise my daughter is a quiet child - very much to herself, not making friends at school and never opening up to anyone. Her school teachers were never worried about her grades - they were more concerned about her silence at such a young age (she was in third class). Regarding this problem I happened to meet the school counselor Ms. Geeta Krishnan (later I came to know she is a healer and has been with Dr.Newton for a very long time). Ms. Geeta counseled me and guided me to take care of my daughter.

After my second session my daughter met with an accident and had a fracture due to which my attention was more on her. When Ms.Vijayanthi explained to me how breathwork can shift our energies I realized that there were a lot of synchronicities in my life….actually I realized that nothing happens by accident.  This includes attending sessions with Vijayanthi, meeting Geeta, and my daughters accident. Now I trust that breathwork not only works on you but along with you it can also work on the people around you. My daughters' behavior pattern was more influenced by my energies. Once my energies started changing, her behavior changed without any external influence. She started making friends, opening up with teachers and me. This change in her started happening within two weeks of my starting breathwork sessions, but I noticed it only after four or five weeks. This is a change which I very much wanted but did not work on. I was mainly working on psoriasis.

Once I trusted the process of rebirthing, the experiences I had during my private sessions were amazing. I slowly started working on myself. Though my parents were very loving I had many birth and childhood traumas. I was carrying guilt for the suffering my mother and maternal uncle faced due to a fault in my birth star. This resulted in the lack of self love. This again resulted in me not being able to give enough love to my children.

After ten sessions with a professional breath worker, I started having regular independent sessions almost everyday. I taught 20 conscious connected breaths to my two children. They started using it regularly. My daughter would do 20 connected breaths when ever she feels like, during prayer in the school, in between classes, at home when she gets hurt, and many such times. Now she feels more confident and is very open. She started participating in different activities in the school. She can now firmly say a 'yes' or 'no'. Apart from my kids most of my experiences I could relate to my sister. I have a twin sister who lives in London. Recently when I spoke to my sister I observed that my sister has changed a lot and she herself confessed that her perception, and thought process has changed and she actually started feeling very good. Now when I look back, right from our child hood I realized we are a reflection of each other. When I started healing my inner self it started reflecting in my is really amazing!!!

Now I know I don't have to consciously work on psoriasis…my breath takes care of it. I was so much in awe of the entire rebirthing concept; I wanted to spread it to everyone. This is when I decided to attend the six day residential program on rebirthing breathwork with Dr.Newton and later the innerchild workshop. During these workshops I realized that we are not alone, each and every participant is present in the same group with a purpose to give and share a message to each other. I did not know how to spread this message that I learnt and understood to everyone. This thought was continuously lingering in my mind but I was not aware of it until I got the answer. I got the message from my now close friend Dr. Kavita. I have been invited to the Soul Family of Dr. Newton. From that day, no words are required for me to communicate with Dr. Newton. People who needed me just came to me. And those whom I needed…I just went to them. It was always like give and take. I am grateful to all the co-participants - everyone had a role to play in my life at that moment. Once I started giving private sessions to my close friends I found out that I was learning as much as they were learning from me!

After all these experiences I realized our breath knows more about our requirements. We may be consciously working on problems that we see and feel, but the breath goes to a deeper level. It understands and caters to our needs more than we know about ourselves. Most of the changes and developments that happen in our life with the practice of breathwork go unnoticed.....we tend to work only on major issues....but some times it is only these small unnoticed changes that make a big difference in our lives. Just trust the breath and it heals our Body, Emotions, Mind, and Soul.


Nagavalli Cherukuri

Also practices past life regression therapy and inner child healing

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