Supriya gives answer for Chai Bisket controversy

Supriya gives answer for Chai Bisket controversy

Chai Bisket Sharath was in the news from past few days. He is the main producer of 'Chai Bisket' banner. Apparently, the news about him threatening a reviewer for rating his film badly has grabbed a lot of attention.


Sharath deactivated his Twitter account to avoid further interaction with the public. But he turned up for a press meet of their latest release 'Boys Hostel'. The media asked about that incident as expected and the answer came out from a different person.

It is Supriya Yarlagadda who took the microphone and decided to explain everything. Sharath Chandra and Anurag became silent after she took the mic. She clearly explained that they never threatened anyone.

She said, "I'll answer this for him. You see, films and media are interconnected. You(media) are the medium between us and the audience. Even when we make good film, media is the one that takes them to the audience. There's no threatening here. There are times when even you threaten us."

This strong reply from the actress turned producer has silenced all the rumours as of now and we hope such incidents don't occur in the coming days.