Lok Sabha approves amendment to Juvenile Act


The brutal Nirbhaya gang rape in New Delhi in December 2013 triggered a debate in the country on whether to spare juveniles found guilty in such heinous crimes or not as one found guilty in this case has escaped with just 3 years juvenile custody. The previous UPA government lead by the Congress party let the debate continue but takes no action. But, the NDA government has made amendments to the Juvenile Act, bringing down the age limit of Juveniles from 18 to 16 years and get Lok Sabha approval for it today.


According to the amended act persons above 16 years age will be treated as majors and will be convicted with appropriate punishments like any majors. However, the NDA government has classified the amendment into three sections as minor offences, serious offences and heinous crimes, thus ensuring juveniles indulged in minor offences are not subjected serious punishments. Modi government may not find any problems in getting approval for the amended bill in Rajya Sabha also as all political parties welcomed the amendments.