Insomnia-Sleepless or Sleeping Less!!
posted on Sep 2, 2017 10:28AM
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that regularly affects millions of people worldwide. People suffering from insomnia find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. It is a sleep disorder, which includes lack of sleep in both quality and quantity.
Some of the recent researches have concluded that insomnia is an issue with the brain being unable to sleep, it is believed that brain has a wake cycle and sleep cycle, while one functions other one is dormant, in case of insomnia can be a problem with either part of this cycle: too much wake drive or too little sleep drive.
Broadly, insomnia is divided into 3 categories, Transient – lasting for about three nights, Acute – lasting for about three weeks, and Chronic – lasting for months or even years. Insomnia is caused by a wide variety of medical, psychiatric and physical causes such as:
Disturbances in the circadian rhythm – jet lag, job shifts, travelling to different time zones, environmental noises and high altitudes.
Psychiatric disorders - depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders and psychosis.
Medical conditions – chronic backaches, heartburns, gastro-esophageal reflux disorders, congestive cardiac failure, angina, asthma, obstructive pulmonary disorders and sleep apnea.
Others – pregnancy, heavy meal close to bedtime, snoring partner, during menstruation and genetic conditions. Studies have suggested that the light emitted from the gadgets, slow down certain mechanisms, thereby prolonging the time taken to slip into bliss!
Post a sleepless or a sleep-deprived night, the person is sleepy all-day along, irritated , loss of focus, diminished productivity, haphazard food habits, straining the eyes, tension headaches and gastrointestinal symptoms such as indigestion.
-Koya Satyasri