Foods For Urinary Infection



Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is one of the most common but least discussed problems within the community. While there are too many reasons that lead to UTI... the onset of the infection can lead to severe discomfort. From abdominal pain to burning sensation... UTI can be a menace in our daily lives. While doctors prefer the usage of antibiotics to control the infection, patients need to take some care in their diet.


Vitamin C

The acidic nature of Vitamin C would control and prevent the bacteria in the urinary tract. The intake of Vitamin C rich foods such as oranges, tomatoes, guava... would restrain the growth of UTI causing bacteria. Any deficiency in the Vitamin requirement can be tackled by taking those Vitamin supplements. Some even suggest drinking lemon juice regularly until the UTI recedes.



Water acts as a flush and drives away the bacteria. Naturopaths strongly suggest high intake of water during the UTI. It not only restrains the bacteria, but would also protect the body from the future attacks of such bacteria. Drink lots of water and keep emptying your bladder... and that could be the best way to get rid of UTI causing organisms from the body.


Garlic and Onions

Garlic and Onions are found to be miraculous in many ailments and UTI is one of them. The sulphur compounds in these foods could be highly effective in killing micro organisms. Moreover, both Garlic and Onion are thought to be anti-inflammatory as well as antibiotic which would relieve us from the symptoms of UTI and set us back to normality.


Cranberry Juice

Indians might not be familiar with Cranberry Juice. But it is undoubtedly the most suggested remedy in UTI. Many studies have proved that Cranberries contain certain chemicals that prevent the foreign bodies to stick along the lining of bladder. Cranberries are proved to be effective in most commonly occurring bacterium such as Proteus mirabilis.


Baking Soda

Baking soda is another household remedy that is trusted for generations together. Baking soda creates an alkaline PH that would control UTI. Thus it is highly considered in cases where UTI causes burning sensation. Drinking a glass of warm water stirred with half teaspoon of baking soda early in the morning could be soothing. But people with High Blood pressure are not advised to use Baking Soda as it is high in sodium levels.


Foods to avoid during UTI

- Avoid sugary foods and drinks that would irritate the bladder and creates an environment where bacteria could thrive.


- Avoid beverages such as alcohol and coffee.


- Avoid processed and spicy foods that could provoke gastric acidity which could worsen the situation.


- Nirjara.