'Milk Does Your Body Good' - big lie!!
Unfortunately, the myth that conventional pasteurized milk has health benefits is a persistent one, even though it is far from true. Conventional health agencies also refuse to address the real dangers of the growth hormones and antibiotics found in conventional milk. As far as possible avoid drinking pasteurized milk of any kind, including organic, because once milk has been pasteurized its physical structure is changed in a way that can actually cause allergies and immune problems.
Important enzymes like lactase are destroyed during the pasteurization process, which causes many people to not be able to digest milk. Additionally, vitamins (such as A, C, B6 and B12) are diminished and fragile milk proteins are radically transformed from health nurturing to unnatural amino acid configurations that can actually worsen your health. The eradication of beneficial bacteria through the pasteurization process also ends up promoting pathogens rather than protecting you from them.
How about Raw Milk is it healthy?
Various means to increase milk production cause induration and infection of the udder (mastitis) resulting in pus and bacteria in the milk. Most dairy farmers try to control certain infections in cows/buffaloes with huge doses of antibiotics, which may also end up in the milk. Children are particularly vulnerable; these antibiotics inhibit the development of the immune system, and cause antibiotic resistance. Despite the antibiotics every glass of milk contains an estimated 1 – 7 drops of pus!
Pesticides used on the feeds for the animals are concentrated in their milk and meat. The ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) researched milk for 7 years taking 50,000 samples from across India. They found large amounts of DDT, and HCH (an antibiotic that is routinely given to the cows in their feed). Under the food adulteration act only 0.01 mg/kg of HCH is allowed. They found 5.7 mg/kg on an average in milk. In India some pesticide levels can be as high as 570 times the permissible levels! They also found arsenic, cadmium and lead. These cause kidney damage, heart disease, brain damage and cancer. (source-Sharan)
How about losing chance of intake of protein and calcium that comes from Milk?
Our body needs sufficient intake of protein and calcium on a daily basis no doubt and there are many non-milk sources of food from which this intake is manageable!
A very high protein diet is harmful because it increases acid in the body. To neutralize this acid, calcium is leached from the bones, resulting in osteoporosis. Even though cow’s milk contains a high percentage of calcium our body cannot retain much of it because of it’s high protein content. Reports show that osteoporosis is more prevalent in countries with a high milk intake, like the USA and Sweden. (source-Sharan)
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