Hot flashes are one of the most common and annoying vasomotor symptoms of menopause in women. This are caused due to the disruption of normal regulation of blood vessels resulting production of intense heat and perspiration. The duration and frequency changes from person to person, when they occur during night they are labeled as night sweats.

The hot flashes presentation too varies from person to person. They may show up as sudden and intense feeling of heat all over the body. Irregular and rapid heartbeat and pulse and may also present with palpitations. Mild to profuse sweating is most annoying symptom. Flushing is evident in fair-skinned individuals. Rarely sleep disturbances, nausea and dizziness may also show up.

During menopause Low levels of estrogen confuse the hypothalamus, causing it to inaccurately sense that the body is overheating. This provokes an internal chain of reactions that women experience as "hot flashes". While other causes listed are: infection, anxiety, obesity, cancer, diabetes and thyroid disorders. Sometimes medications also provoke hot flashes, certain osteoporotic and those fighting breast cancer drugs.

By some simple measures the symptoms can be downgraded, keeping away from warm environments considering air conditioners and fans, avoiding stress and anxiety which will quickly raise the temperature, Avoiding hot and spicy foods, keeping cold water or any other beverage handy but avoiding caffeinated drinks, taking a cool shower before bed and using cotton sheet rather than silk and synthetics.


-Koya Satyasri