Fatty liver is the disease of the new age its victims have enormously risen in the past decade, all raising the finger at the lifestyle changes. In a normal healthy individual there is some amount of fat, but it is labeled as fatty liver when more than 10%of the organ weight is due to fat deposits. There are two types of Fatty liver diseases:


Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (ALD): As the name suggests it is caused by heavy drinking. The symptoms may show up even due to Hepatitis C, over loading of Iron, obesity or the genes.


Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NALD): It is a tricky entity as there no explanations why some people suffer from fatty liver disease while others do not. The possible cause will be; the genetic factors, overweight, insulin resistance due to which the cells become hostile to the action of the hormone, high blood sugar or hyperglycemia indicating diabetes type 2 and abnormal lipid profile i.e. high cholesterol levels.


There is limited understanding of why some fatty livers develop inflammation that progresses to cirrhosis, scarring of the liver. Other rare conditions that cause fatty liver are: Malnutrition, autoimmune diseases, medications and crash diets.


The treatment is not well defined; well it is a multi-dimensional approach diet control and physical activity form the main pillars of the treatment. The additives include vaccination against Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B, in certain advanced conditions liver transplant is only hope!