Partying, eating out late and working late in the nights has its own ill effects on the body and ends showing on the face and that too the eyes. Puffy eyes make you look like you have just got out of bed and it makes you look very sloppy at work or when you go out. Here are some great tips that will help you get over the puffiness and make you look better.


Tips to get rid of that puffiness!

Water therapy: Drink plenty of water to get rid of that terrible hangover and puffiness. As alcohols dehydrates your body and robs you of your body the fluid content  , you could also cut down the alcohol quantity and if you cant do that either, eat a little before you drink to avoid binging.

No coffee: 
You might thing that a cup of steaming coffee will help you get over the nights hangover but on the contrary, Coffee also dehydrates the body, adding to your skin’s problems.So avoid coffee.

Less salt intake: 
Salt increases the tendency of your body to retain water, resulting in puffiness. Party snacks are normally laden with salt which when combined with the effect of alcohol, adds to the blotchiness on your skin.Either you cut down on the salty snacks or reduce the intake the next day.

Relax your eyes: 
For instant eye relief, place chilled green tea teabags on your eyes to rest them for some time. This is especially beneficial as they contain anti-inflammatory compounds known as EGCGs. You can also put some Tea bags in your freezer, if you know you are going to have a late night. 

Cold water wash: 
Splash your face with cold water. Not only will it cool down your burning eyes, it will help reduce the bloating of your face.You can do this once you get home before you crash and do the same the next day morning.

Head up on a high pillow: 
Before you go to bed, put in an extra pillow under your head. It will help reduce the accumulation of fluids under your eyes which give your eyes that baggy look.

Massage the eyes: 
Using circular motions, massage the eyes gently with the use your fingertips. Apart from reducing puffiness, this is also a great way to relax your eyes .

Kitchen remedies: 
Cool cucumber and raw potato are home remedies which work wonders for puffy eyes.  Just slice up the cucumber and place them on your eyes for about 10 minutes.

As for the potatoes, grate them and place them in a cloth to make small pouches. Keep these pouches on your eyes for 15 minutes. The starch in the potato is known to have anti inflammatory properties which help to ease irritated eyes. 

Cold milk on cotton swabs is also a quick and easy remedy.

Put a spoon in the freezer and let it get really cold. Place it on you eyes the curve part and feel the cold spoon refresh the eyes.

Try using creams with Vitamin K, E or aloe in them. Aloe Vera can work wonders on tired skin giving you that refreshed look in no time! And if that also doesn’t work you could use the instant serums available in the market to conceal the puffiness.

When all fails and you still see the puffiness try giving your body what it really needs. Sleep !  If you have the luxury of sleeping for another day take the advantage and give your eyes the rest they deserve.

Nothing rejuvenates your body like adequate sleep!