The benefits of being grateful




"The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings." — Eric Hoffer


For many people life means - struggle, lack of money, hardships, insecurity, stress, and the inability to see what we already have in life. And the age of recession and down-turning adds more to it. The fact is we don’t recognize or see what life has given us and we still look for something more. We don’t count our blessings as in what we already have, like our job, our loving parents, our home, the vehicle we drive, the beautiful sky and probably everything under the sun that makes you happy.

It's important to recognize and express gratitude for the fact that “everything” in your life is a miracle, a creation that you created.

The Power of Gratitude is an extremely important aspect of attracting the Abundance and Happiness that you desire and deserve in your life.

How does the Power of Gratitude work?

When you are in a sincere state of gratitude your energy (vibrational resonance) is one of acceptance and harmony. You resonate and as a result project a much higher vibrational frequency which is exactly what attracts to you the events, conditions, and circumstances that you desire. In other words gratitude puts you in a harmonious vibrational resonance which attracts additional energies

When you are able to fully develop that awareness, (and with a little practice, you will) not only is it an extremely freeing experience, but you are setting your self up for a much greater flow of Abundance and Happiness being attracted and coming into your life. When the Universe sees that you are grateful for what you have, it will send you more.


Gratitude Journal

Just a mere thank you would not suffice to be unconditional gratitude. Express it. Tell the person who has helped you with something how grateful you are. You must feel the gratitude from within the heart.

Another wonderful method of expressing gratitude would be to maintain a journal where you can write   the things you are grateful for on a daily basis. Try writing five things every night for a start. As the months pass and you fill your journal with blessings and thankfulness, an inner shift in your reality will occur. As you focus on the abundance rather than on the lack in your life, you will be designing a wonderful new blueprint for the future. This sense of fulfillment is gratitude at work, transforming your dreams into reality.

Begin the day to explore and integrate this beautiful, life-affirming principle into your life and the miracle you have been seeking will unfold to your wonder and amazement. If you have a desire to consistently attract desired outcomes; it's essential that you developing an attitude of gratitude for attracting and manifesting the things that you desire into your life.

Gratitude- the gateway to abundance & happiness !

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