The Significance of Maghamaasam Month
The month in which Moon will be at or nearer to the constellation of Makhah (Maghah) nakshathra on the full moon day that month is calculated as Maagha maasam.This occurs during the calendar months of January/February. Makhah also means Yagna and Lord Vishnu is referred to as MahaMakhah (Sri Vishnu Sahasranama sthothram sloka # 47) the presiding Deity of Yagna. The Lord is also worshiped through the medium of Yagna.
Meaning: Maagham is a Sanskrit word Ma+Agham. Ma means not present and Agham means sin, evil, suffering, grief and Maagha masam is the month which is highly meritorious, auspicious and free from any sin or suffering.
Lord Maha Vishnu in the name of Maadhava is the presiding deity who governs Maagha Masam and to be worshiped. Deities. Maagha masam the eleventh month as per Hindu lunar calendar is considered as an auspicious month for performing marriages, upanayanam, Gruha Pravesam, Aksharabhyasam etc.
Prominent days of Maagha masam
During Maagha masam we find several significant and sacred days to be celebrated. To begin with...
1.Vasantha Panchami or Maagha sukla Panchami, the fifth day of Maagha masam in the bright fortnight is celebrated as Sri Panchami. Goddess Saraswathi, the presiding deity of of Learning, Knowledge and Wisdom is said to have born on this auspicious day of Sri Panchami.
2.Ratha sapthami also known as Magha Sapthami or Maha Sapthami is a very popular Hindu festival dedicated to Sun God, Sri Surya Narayana. It occurs on the seventh day (Sapthami) of Magha Masam during sukla paksha. It is celebrated as Surya Jayanthi the day on which Sun God was born to Sage Kashyapa & Aditi .
3.Bheeshmaastami is associated with Bheeshma Pitamaha the most revered and grandiose character of the great Epic Mahabharata. It was on this day Bheeshma breathed his last and this day is commemorated as the day of his Niryaana. Bheeshmaastami occurs on 8th day (Ashtami) of the bright fortnight (Sukla Paksha) in Magha Masam the day after Ratha Sapthami.
4.Sri Madhva Navami falling on the 9th day of Lunar month of Magha Masam during the bright fortnight is associated with Sri Madhwacharya one of the greatest Hindu Saints and Philosophers who was the founder and exponent of Dvaita Philosophy. It is said that it was on this day in the year 1317 AD, Sri Madhvacharya while teaching his disciples at Udupi Sri Anantheshwara Temple, suddenly a heap of flowers were showered on him and he disappeared from that heap of flowers not to be seen later. It is considered as the day He entered the Badarikasrama.
5.Maagha Pournami the full moon day in Maagha masam is celebrated as Maha Maaghi. This day marks the end of Maagha Snana vratham. It is said and believed that any Divine worship, prayer, charity or rites performed on this day are highly meritorious that gives significant results. Thilapaathra Danam is prescribed to be given to a Brahmin on this day of Mahamaaghi. Taking bath in a sea on this day is considered as highly meritorious.
6.Maha Shivarathri a festival dedicated to Lord Shiva occurs on the 13th /14th day of dark fortnight (Krishna Paksha) in Magha Masam coinciding with Chaturdasi thithi. Worshiping Lord Shiva on this day of Maha Shivarathri is considered as highly meritorious and sin remover. Special celebrations are held on the eve of Maha Shivarathri at all the holy Shiva Kshetras where lakhs of people gather to offer their obeisance and salutations to Lord Shiva the great destroyer of sins and the most benevolent God.
7. Ardhodhaya Sunday associated with Amaavaasya + Sravana Nakshatra + Vyatheepatha Yoga + in the lunar month of Pushya or Maagha is referred to as Ardhodhaya which is considered to be a very sacred day, a parvakala that occurs very rarely that is more meritorious than an eclipse. Maagha Bahula Amaavasya associated with Satabhisha star is considered as highly sacred and meritorious. According to Dharmasindhu by performing Pithru Sraaddha on this day, Pithrus (ancestors) gets pleased for ten thousand years.
Vasanth panchami and Radhasapthami are already over and we shall give more information regarding the other important days of this Holy Month.