Sher Effect On Those Two Films
on Oct 31, 2015
At box office, the failure of one film obviously helps other films to mint money. Yesterday's release "Sher" has got instant negative talk at box office for its routine content. Obviously this is going to help to films for the next one week.
Until November 1st, there is no other movie at box office, which means whoever is doing good will be reaping fruits since then. If "Sher" has clicked, then the craze for "Kanche" and "Raju Gari Gadhi" would have got brakes applied. But the arrival of Kalyan Ram with another routine movie hasn't done any good to his track record that got a terrific high-turn with "Pataas". That will now help other movies to make most until Swathi's "Tripura" arrives on November 6th.