Dookudu is Better than Businessman

on Dec 24, 2011

Although Mahesh Babu and Puri Jagannath completed ‘Businessman’ movie in record time, reports say that Prince Mahesh was not happy with the Businessman shooting schedules. For Dookudu, Mahesh Babu was given ample time between the shots and the shooting schedules were also relaxed and planned.


Mahesh Babu Businessman, puri jagannath businessman, Mahesh babu puri jagannath

However, for Businessman, the makers have erected a special set costing few crores, in Mumbai, and the cast eventually had to hurry to complete the shooting within the stipulated time. Now this is something that does not interest Mahesh. But RR Movie Makers, a prestigious banner, has this habit of announcing the release date at the time of movie launch. So Mahesh eventually was forced to cope with the time. This has made Mahesh feel that Dookudu shooting schedules were better than Businessman.

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