No Power Cuts in AP From May

The Rabi season coming to an end this week, state residents forced to sweat it out in the sweltering summer heat can expect a respite from the power cuts from May 1. During the rabi season, the agriculture sector accounts for 26% of the total power demand, and the end of this season should come as a major relief to the domestic consumers as it is they who have been bearing the brunt of the power cuts. In all, about 900 MW of power that has been doled out as free power for the farm sector is expected to be freed.


"We are expecting the rabi season to be over by this month end. Once it happens, we would give a major relief to consumers from power cuts from May onwards,"  says AP Transco chairman and managing director Ajay Jain . With the annual demand increasing by about 10% every year, AP touched a new record of supplying more than 11,500 MW per day in 2012.

Unlike last year, the power cuts came into effect in February itself as the shortfall in demand rose to about 1,000 MW. Hyderabad city experienced two to three hour power cut in the months of February and March which were reduced to about one to two hours in April. "We are planning to remove all power cuts in the city in the first phase," said Ajay Jain.